In Memory of





Bearden Funeral Home
We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family.
2014-11-12 13:12:16
How do you say goodbye to someone you have known your whole life and who has been there every single day of your life? I haven't said goodbye. I think about you and I talk to you like I did everyday when you were here. I miss your voice, I miss you asking me a million questions, I miss asking you for advice and I miss your sense of humor....making me laugh. We had the best relationship any father/daughter could have. I knew I could always come to you for anything and you would help me. You were the the first person I would call when I was upset about anything or just needed to talk. Dad, I always told were the BEST Daddy to me and I was a lucky girl to have a Daddy like you. I miss you like crazy and I will forever hold you close to my heart. Thank you for being my Daddy and loving me as much as you did. I love you with all my heart!!!
2014-11-25 23:58:57
Craig and Angie Jones
Betty, we love you and grieve with you today. May God give you peace and strength during this time.
2014-11-14 11:17:53
Beth Dickson - BPS Employee
We have missed and will continue to miss Davis's smiling face at the BPS office. Prayers are being sent.
2014-11-13 07:53:47
Donnie, Toika, & Ross Sherlin
You are in our hearts and prayers.
2014-11-12 21:10:28
DeeAun &. Doug Leamon
Our prayers are with you Kim and your family. We are so sorry for your loss. God Bless. Love you
2014-11-12 21:03:13
Bob League
Davis will always be my childhood best friend. We had many fun and wonderful times growing up. I still remember when we first met in the 6th grade at W D Thompson School. What fun we had riding our motor scooters and then our first cars. You will be sorely missed.
2014-11-12 20:23:16
Claudia Boles
My heart aches for your loss...Davis was such a wonderful soul. He will be missed by all that knew him..
2014-11-12 14:06:57