In Memory of





Bearden Funeral Home
We are honored to provide this Book of Memories to the family.
2016-12-29 17:30:24
Ron and Deborah Tefertiller
Lanier and family, We were so sorry to read in the NGMC newsletter about the passing of your Mom. Hoping your pain will soon be replaced with loving memories that you and your family hold dear. Miss seeing you....
2017-03-04 09:52:40
Maria & Bob
Dear Glenda and Family, Know that this is a difficult time for all of you. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless
2017-01-03 14:35:46
Marvin and Judy Chance
She was a very sweet lady! Our thoughts and prayers are with all the family. Love and Blessingsb
2016-12-31 19:09:31
Beckwith Family, Terry, Gina, Carson, Griffin & Tatum
What a sweet, sweet lady. So many fun memories of Ms. Perry at Driftwood Lane! She loved our family like we were hers!
2016-12-30 20:27:21
Scott & Jayne Zesiger
Prayers are with all thefamily. Will never forget Grandma Perry. Memories will always be with us.
2016-12-29 20:53:40
Scott & Jayne Zesiger
Prayers are with all thefamily. Will never forget Grandma Perry. Memories will always be with us.
2016-12-29 20:52:28
The Hierlmeiers
To the Brandt family, We love you all so much and are thinking about you! Love, Alex & Chris
2016-12-29 18:35:53